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Force LTE Only (4G/5G) v2.0 (Ad-Free) (Unlocked) APK

(Now Android 11 and devices with 5G (NR) are supported)

This app will help you change network to 4G / 3G / 2G and stay in the chosen network.

No more automatic switch between 4G / 3G.
If you have free 4G data transfer and need to pay for 3G, just configure your network for LTE only.
Force LTE does not support all phones. It depends on the brand of your phone.
Some brands of phones block the ability to force the switching network.
Please do not rate this app if it is not working on your phone, as it is not up to us.

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

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